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What Is Social Information Science?

Utilizing data science to solve problems in society

Our school intends to educate to be data scientists. We teach how to research various data and solve complex social problems by using scientific method of Informatics.

We produce graduates who have not only reliable knowledge about Informatics skills but also skill of data analysis. We’ll be sure that they have a good command of big data and contribute to various fields. For example, prediction of economic trend, development of social policy, business management, marketing and improvement of productivity.

Social Information Science

Data utilization to support various fields

What Is Data Science?

Data science is the academic discipline which creates the meaningful information, or valuable data, from so much data in the world. Today, advanced ICT (information and communications technology) is becoming widely used among various fields, it is necessary that we make good use of skill of high-grade data processing in all aspects of business, medical care, manufacturing, public policy and government institutions.

Path you can meet with success after graduation

Your future successes are greatly anticipated in all fields of finance, IT industry, manufacturing, mass media, general trading, civil service, research institutions, think tanks, and graduate school of Informatics.

Your skills of social information science can use in various fields which contain the following jobs:

Business Skills
Marketing officers who analyze big business data to predict economic trends.
Technology Skills
Engineers who analyze big data for work in business strategy, problem-solving, and so on.
Social Implementation Skills
Consultants who use data analysis techniques.

Other jobs include: product development officer; policy planning officer; management innovation officer; researcher in a university or company, etc.; and much more!

In recent years, in Japan, it is necessary to secure IT human resources such as IoT Engineers, Data Scientists, AI Scholars, and so on. They assume important roles in the world because they are in the front of science and technology (cutting-edge IT workers), but The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) makes mention of lack of worker in the IT industry. If it has been the same as the present situation until 2020, a shortage of workers will be 48,000 people in Japan.

 Source: Findings of METI’s study of recent trends and future estimates concerning IT human resources released in 2016

Welcome to the School of Social Information Science

Data analysis network centered on Kobe Campus for Commerce

With such unique campuses, all with their own special qualities, as the Kobe Campus for Information Science, which is linked with the supercomputer “K” and the Harima Campus for Science linked with the large-scale synchrotron radiation facility SPring-8, we are planning data analysis research that could not be done anywhere else but the University of Hyogo.

Coordination with other universities
Research in Sports Medicine
(Improvement of athletes’ abilities, preventing injuries, etc.)
Basic research in data science
Coordination with Hyogo Prefecture and other local governments
Public data analysis
Policy statement
Coordination with companies within and outside Hyogo
Vendor sales data analysis
Online promotion analysis
Real estate data analysis
Improvement of manufacturing equipment

Education policy

Our graduates:

Diploma policy (policy on conferment of degrees)

We award degrees to students who have acquired the following skills:

Curriculum policy (policy on creation and implementation of curricula)

Admissions policy

Profile of Students Sought

We are seeking good students who are interested in information technology and data analysis and have the desire to resolve a lot of problems in society and organizations. That is to say, it is desirable that the students have decent ability to acquire knowledge or skill, have an elementary knowledge about the society creating various data and have an interest in mechanism of it, and take proactive stance to face the issues and can tackle them.

Admissions policy

It is desirable that an applicant for entrance: