[Date] Monday, February 17, 2025, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
[Place] Main Conference Room, 2nd floor of the Main Building, Online
[Participants] 33 persons (President, Vice President, Vice Presidents, faculty, staff, students, etc.)
On the day, the university president, vice president, department heads, and other executives, as well as faculty and staff members, participated. From the 13 groups supported by the ‘University of Hyogo Students Challenge Support’ program, which receives assistance from the SDGs Promotion Office and the Diversity Promotion Office, three groups with particularly outstanding activities were selected. Representatives from these three groups presented the results of their remarkable initiatives related to SDGs and diversity.
[The initiatives of the three groups of students who were eligible for the University of Hyogo Students Challenge Support that were presented.]
[SDGs Promotion]
The local community, and the government work together to preserve the valuable natural environment remaining in the Tajima region through activities such as pond conservation, large-scale biotope creation and wetland conservation in collaboration with other organizations, maintenance work for the revival of traditional grassland burning, and the removal of invasive species, students. They aim to achieve sustainable environmental conservation.
Sparkle aims to prevent isolation, and revitalize the local community and economy through activities in which students participate, such as firefly observation, jazz concerts, improving the quality of eventssuch as open lessons with professional players, and collaborating with local organizations and government agencies such as the DYNAMIC CAFE These events promote the interaction between local residents and students living in Koto.
[Diversity Promotion]
the S&I Club aims to create an environment that reduces the number of people who feel uncomfortable, introduces diverse cultures and values, and eliminates prejudice and discrimination. and discrimination through environmental conservation activities such as beach cleaning at Suma Beach, cafeteria reform activities such as the introduction of Vegan & Halal food options, participation in SDGs Week hosted by OPA, and UNICEF donation activities,
[The 10 groups that were eligible for the Challenge Support Program for University of Hyogo Students other than those listed above.]
[SDGs promotion]
The HITOHAKU Research Team aims to disseminate information about the current status of organisms (both native and non-native) and their habitats in Hyogo Prefecture to the general public, promoting understanding and connecting the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo with the local community. This initiative seeks to raise awareness and educate people about the ongoing issues in the natural environment and ecosystems, contributing to regional revitalization.
Student Group Change
Through volunteer activities in the community, such as volunteering at a children's cafeteria and at the Co-op Kobe regional headquarters, we strive to deepen exchanges with local children and people and to revitalize the community.
Nature Study Group
In order to preserve the environment around Kouto, which has been known as one of the greatest biological treasures in Hyogo Prefecture, the group will investigate the biological flora and fauna and promote the area as a local resource to students and neighborhood residents. At the same time, to counteract the decrease in the number of beetles due to development, the group will create humus that will serve as a spawning ground for beetles, thereby preserving the ecosystem.
Meat Lovers
Meat Lovers aims to promote a sustainable society through food by conducting workshops for local children on the current situation, challenges, and solutions to the food crisis, especially the complex supply food chain , and how alternative food sources can contribute to decarbonization and environmental pollution.
Cinnamon Roll
Through open campus events within the school and external study sessions and conferences, we aim to disseminate information on the realities of school health activities observed during our visit to Finland. This will provide an opportunity to reflect on the expertise of school nurses in the Japanese educational field and strive for the development of school health activities.
Student International Cooperation Organization CHISE
CHISE has been working for 14 years to improve the educational environment in Laos by constructing schools and providing educational support. They gave lectures on the results of their activities at junior high schools in Japan and at JICA Kansai, creating opportunities to consider support for developing countries as something close to home. The group plans to conduct a street fund-raising campaign around Motomachi Station and a stationery drive at the Himeji Environment and Humanity Campus to donate to an elementary school in Laos for the construction of a school building in a Laotian village.
Robotics Research Club
By participating in external events such as our university’s engineering festival and the Science Festival, we will exhibit actual entries from the Catch Robo Battle Contest and demonstrate manufacturing using 3D CAD and 3D printers. This aims to make people of all ages, especially elementary, junior high, and high school students, feel familiar with and enjoy manufacturing, encouraging them to pursue a path in this field.
Using board games that promote understanding of others, we aim to facilitate multicultural and intergenerational exchanges among people meeting for the first time. In collaboration with the Hyogo International Association, we will participate in the JICA Kansai Autumn Festival, investigate the contribution to international exchange, and provide opportunities for intergenerational and intercultural interactions, thereby promoting understanding of a multicultural symbiotic society.
[Diversity Promotion]
Bath Lovers Unite!!
We organize activities for international students to learn bathhouse etiquette and experience Japanese culture through visits to public baths. We collaborate with the bathhouses we visit and participate in the Uzurock event, engaging in community-involved activities.”
We Strive identify the elements necessary to make the SOGI-friendly environment of the SOGI Human Environment Campus ,to study and implement student-led and sustainable activities, and to increase interest in SOGI among undergraduate students and students in the community. We hope to create opportunities for students to become more familiar with and think about sexual diversity through a wide range of tangible activities.
After the presentations of student activities, each group was presented with a certificate of commendation.
We hope that through these presentations, they will aim to further develop their activities and take on the challenges of the future, and we look forward to their further success in the future.